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7 Crucial Signs You Should Not Ignore: Prostate Cancer Screening Explained

Worldwide, about 1 million men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year and screenings are just a blood test (American College of preventive medicine, 2017).

Doctor holding a prostate
Doctor explaining a prostate.

Prostate cancer is a significant health concern that affects men worldwide. Statistics reveal that it is the second most common cancer in men, emphasizing the need for early detection and timely intervention among men between 55 and 69 years (CDC, 2023). While symptoms of prostate cancer may not always be apparent, there are crucial signs that you should never ignore. Understanding these signs and being proactive about prostate cancer screening can help save lives.

In this article, we will delve into seven crucial signs that should raise your awareness about the importance of prostate cancer screening.

Who needs Prostate Cancer Screening

Because risk increases with age, it's advisable to start screening at 50 years. Men with a positive family history are at high risk. African American black men are at a higher risk and more likely to die from Prostate cancer 2.5 times than white men.

7 Crucial Signs You Should Not Ignore

1. Frequent Urination

One of the initial signs of prostate cancer can manifest through changes in urinary habits. If you notice an increase in the frequency of urination, particularly during the night, it could be an alarming indication. In medical terms, this condition is known as nocturia. Remember, frequent urination can arise due to various factors, but it is crucial to consult your medical provider for a proper evaluation.

2. Weak Urinary Flow

Experiencing a weak urinary flow can also serve as an early warning sign of prostate cancer. The flow of urine might become weaker over time, and you may find it challenging to start or maintain a steady stream. This symptom, known as urinary hesitancy, occurs due to the prostate gland's enlargement, which is common in prostate cancer cases.

3. Blood in Urine or

Prostate interventions
Doctor performing a scope procedure.

The presence of blood in urine or semen, medically known as hematuria and hemospermia, respectively, is a powerful indicator that something is amiss. While these symptoms do not solely indicate prostate cancer, their existence should prompt immediate medical evaluation. Identifying the underlying cause is crucial in determining the appropriate course of action.

4. Erectile Dysfunction

Prostate cancer can also impact sexual health, often leading to erectile dysfunction. Difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection can be attributed to the tumor's effect on the nerves and blood vessels responsible for sexual function. If you experience persistent erectile dysfunction, it is essential to explore the possibility of prostate cancer alongside other potential causes.

5. Painful Ejaculation

In some cases, prostate cancer can cause pain or discomfort during ejaculation. This symptom, known as dyspareunia, should not be dismissed as merely a temporary issue. If you consistently notice pain or discomfort while ejaculating, it is imperative to consult a healthcare professional promptly. Early detection and treatment can improve your prognosis and overall quality of life.

6. Pelvic Discomfort

Unexplained discomfort or pain in the pelvic area is a symptom that should not be taken lightly. Prostate cancer can cause inflammation or enlargement of the prostate gland, leading to such discomfort. If you notice persistent pelvic pain or pressure, consult your doctor, who can help determine the cause and recommend appropriate screening or diagnostic tests.

7. Unexplained Weight Loss

Nurse performs a weight measurement.
Major signs

While weight loss can be a desired outcome for some, it can also be a red flag for potential health issues, including prostate cancer. Unexplained weight loss occurs when your body loses weight unintentionally and without changes in diet or physical activity. If you find yourself losing pounds without any apparent reason, it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.


Prostate cancer screening plays a vital role in detecting the disease at an early stage, enhancing the chances of successful treatment and long-term survival. By being aware of the crucial signs discussed in this article, you can take proactive steps towards your health. Remember, early detection is key, so don't ignore any of these signs. Consult with your healthcare provider Click here, undergo regular prostate cancer screening, and prioritize your well-being. Together, we can work towards reducing the impact of prostate cancer and promoting healthier lives for all men.


Prostate Cancer Screening Decision Aides

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